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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Mark Cuban. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Mark Cuban. Mostrar todas las entradas

10 julio 2014

De copas con Mark Cuban

La NBA es otro mundo y Estados Unidos otro planeta. A los que regimos nuestras vidas siguiendo otras pautas culturales nos pueden chocar mucho las cosas que pasan aquí. El deporte no es una excepción.

Los Dallas Mavericks han puesto sobre la mesa una pila de millones de dólares y Chandler Parsons ha cambiado Houston por Dallas. ¿Qué mejor forma de celebrarlo que irse de fiesta con el nuevo jefe, sobre todo si este es Mark Cuban? El problema es que el fichaje del alero todavía no está totalmente cerrado: los Rockets tienen la opción de igualar la oferta de los Mavs...

En una cultura deportiva "seria" los aficionados de los Rockets no querrían volver a ver a Parsons ni en pintura después de esta foto, pero... aquí las cosas funcionan de otra manera.

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02 enero 2010

Beyond The Glory - La historia de Mark Cuban

Supongo que suena a estereotipo pero el caso es que algo así sólo puede suceder en Estados Unidos. La historia de como el gafapasta gordito se convierte en dueño de una franquicia de la NBA después, claro, de haberse hecho de oro -Mark Cuban fue de los que salieron bien librados de la explosión de la burbuja-. La historia de un Gil y Gil con bastante más glamour.

El vídeo es la primera de las cuatro partes del documental. Las otras tres también están en YouTube.

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18 junio 2009

¿Publicidad en las camisetas de la NBA?

Mark Cuban                                    Imagen vía Wikipedia
En el último número de Sports Ilustrated Dan Patrick entrevista a Mark Cuban. Como siempre, y a pesar de la brevedad del texto, el primer hooligan de los Mavs nos deja alguna que otra perla.

Patrick le pregunta por una novedad que presenta la WNBA esta temporada: los equipos de la liga profesional femenina llevarán publicidad en las camisetas. ¿Cuándo veremos eso en la NBA? Cuban no se corta:
"Ya sabemos que somos putas, es sólo cuestión de cuánto. Si alguien me diese suficiente dinero, yo podría convencer a la liga".
Cuando le preguntan por la posible reacción de los aficionados, contesta que no habrá problema cuando se den cuenta de que las entradas serán más baratas si entra el dinero de la publicidad (eso habría que verlo...).

Evidentemente estaríamos hablando de un patrocinador único para toda la liga. La NBA es casi una dictadura en cuanto al tema de los ingresos y gastos y si Coca-cola, por poner un ejemplo, pone plata sobre la mesa, los Lakers y los Clippers tocarán prácticamente a lo mismo (con ciertos ajustes por objetivos). Es decir, en una liga superregulada un equipo que lo lleva haciendo rematadamente mal en el terreno deportivo durante decenios está al nivel del campeón en cuanto al reparto de ingresos.

02 octubre 2008

Mark Cuban revela más detalles sobre el despido de Avery Johnson

Mark Cuban           Imagen vía Wikipedia
¿Qué sucede cuando tienes a más de media plantilla en contra del entrenador? Blanco y en botella.

Mark Cuban, ese filón para los medios de comunicación, ha vuelto a dejar claro que, a la hora de hablar, él no se corta. Ahora sólo hace falta que suelte algunos nombres.

Según revela David Moore en Dallas News, el despido de Johnson se debió a un enfrentamiento con un par de peces gordos del vestuario de los Mavericks. Por lo que comenta Cuban, no fueron un par sino que "hasta siete jugadores" le dijeron que o ellos o Johnson. La solución era fácil, aunque Cuban no quería despedir, al menos eso dice él, al entrenador.

Sabiendo como las gasta el dueño de la franquicia de Dallas, llegará, tarde o temprano, el momento de hacer pagar la cuenta del despido de su ex entrenador.

20 septiembre 2008

Mark Cuban y la polémica de Josh Howard

Otra vez el blog de Mark Cuban. Abajo incluyo una entrada (en inglés) que Cuban decidió borrar después de haber conseguido lo que quería...

Todo tiene como origen la polémica (se pueden ver en YouTube toda una retahíla de comentarios de la gente sobre el tema) creada por el vídeo (censurado, como suele pasar en estos casos, aunque se puede ver en alguno de los vídeos anteriores) en el que Josh Howard se mofó de su país. Después, por supuesto, el jugador se disculpó (el que lo hiciese porque realmente lo sentía o no es algo que nada más que él lo sabe).

Lo que habrá que esperar es a ver el recibimiento del que es objeto el jugador cada vez que salte a una cancha y, luego, lo que tendrán que decir las "mentes pensantes" sobre el tema.

Ésta es la entrada borrada de su blog por Mark Cuban:

I wanted to thank all of you who took the time to email me with your comments on how best to deal with Josh. They were so good, I thought I would share a few of them with everyone. Including the email addresses of those who were bold enough to use real email addresses.

Josh realizes his comments were wrong, he understands why people are upset. He knows he has made a mistake, has apologized and will work with us . Beyond that, its a private issue.

What about the people who gave me the following advice ?

Author : Barack Obama (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    : http://Watermellon
Whois  :

From: “Tyree, Pam”  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/18/2008 11:18 AM
Subject: Howard
This ahole is just as anti American as you are Cuban! What a disgusting bunch.
rom: “Billy Leto”  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/18/2008 09:20 AM
Subject: are you kidding me?
Tell Howard that him and Hussein Obama can go to another country and live if they don’t want to support our symbol of freedom.–
From: Donald Joy  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/18/2008 09:20 AM
Subject: Howard’s(and the rest of them) anti-American, thuggish remarks/attitude
These black criminals that you people coddle and cultivate are the reason why I no longer watch/follow professional sports.  Sickening.
From: “Riley Johnson”  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/18/2008 09:14 AM
Subject: Ask Mark Cuban
Hey Mark, I’ve always loved the way you ran your team and respected a large amount of your opinions.  Regardless, I have to stop supporting the Mavs.  Why?  Because I don’t support POS, America-bashing people like Josh Howard.  Tell that spoiled pansy that his lifestyle is only made possible by the marvelous experiment that is America, and to take his bs to Russia if he’s going to talk down our national anthem.  Until he’s off the team, you guys are off the TV.
From: Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/17/2008 11:28 PM
Subject: josh howard
This the first time I have e mailed any one of this stature you have to be kidding me I have always admired you and I am a warriors fan Don Nelson or not. Fire that ass hole this is America send him to Iraq No wonder kids act the way they do this is there role model they have no clue what we have been through in our history and how we became this country we all have faults but this is not the 60`s if it was he would of been hanged. I suppose that he thinks all the fireman, police and innocent citizens in 911 should of died also only in America could this happen and thats the point he does not get.
From: Larry Smith  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/17/2008 08:51 PM
Subject: Your boy
You need to get rid of your nigger howard before you go down with him!
From: “Manuel Rodriguez”  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/17/2008 10:09 PM
Subject: Maverick Josh Howard
You better get that piece of work out of your team for talking and disrespecting the national anthem or you are going to pay the price for it…..  What kind of org. allows a looser and an idiot play for them?  You are so low you make me vomit!!!!  If you allow a hate of America play for your team, you also Hate AMERICA.  GET OUT OF HERE!!!!

Have a Blessed Day:

Manuel A. Rodriguez

Name: Roger
Dude: Worry less about why the financial world and more about that unpatriotic coon you have on your team.
Time: Wednesday September 17, 2008 at 10:07 pm
IP Address:

From: Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/18/2008 08:58 PM
Subject: Josh Howard
You need to fire that SOB immediately. However, given your political leaning and anti-US film producer credits, I doubt you have the nuts for it. Wouldn’t be surprised if you encouraged him. Do the right thing…dump that dumb asshole.
From: George Bannon  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/18/2008 08:25 PM
How dare you defend this Josh Howard piece of shit. After his disrespect, at the very least, you should have transferred his ass to the Euro league. He doesnt like America? Well screw him. Ive been around the world, defending America. Hell, I havent even had the opportunity to live in my own country since 1995. I can assure you many people, with IQs higher than a shoe lace, would gladly trade places with this ingrate punk. As long as you protect him and make excuses for him you carry equal guilt. I would immediately have any person in my employ fired and have his security clearance yanked for expressing such an opinion. I could retire on 1/20th of this assholes salary, and all he does is play ball and trash the country which provides him the opportunity to make such a living. Send him to REALITY, where he should be; bagging groceries and/or in prison.
Tommy Lee Frederick
Systems Technician - Warrior Training Center, U.S. Forces Korea
Unit 15596 Camp Casey, Korea APO AP 96224-5596
DSN 315.
COM +82.31.869.1645
From: “stephen rogers”  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/17/2008 09:34 PM
Subject: Ask Mark Cuban
Mr. Cuban,
Just saw your nigger Josh Howard  disresepct the national anthem because he is black. According to the news you say he is a really great guy. Of course he is because he makes you lots of money you greedy bastard.
You would rather sell out your own country that my dead father fought for in WW II than than lose a buck by firing this black bastard.
You are nothing more than a nigger slave owner milking him for all his black ass can get you.
There’s lots of black dick on that team, get busy. White power is coming back because of race traitors like you.
Know what you get when you cross a nigger and a white nigger lover ? a  WHIGGER. THAT IS YOU !!!!
Mark WHIGGER Cuban. A White storm is brewing Mr. Cuban, you and those niggers like you better evacuate.
From: Jeffrey Miller  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/17/2008 08:14 PM
Subject: Ask Mark Cuban
You need to get rid of NIGGARS like Josh Howard.
Website:why on earth would you keep the piece of embarrassing ghetto trash named Josh Howard?
I will no longer cheer for the mavs.
Go Spurs!

to mark.cuban
show details 9:29 AM (14 hours ago)
“I don’t even celebrate that shit. I’m black.”
You & Howard…two peas in a pod.
Don’t think we’ve forgotten about that Brian De Palma anti-military propaganda film, “Redacted”, that you produced, Cuban
Ya might tell Howard the next time you talk to him,  that if not for America, he’d probably be be throwing spears in Africa someplace instead of free-throws.
Semper Fi,
M.E. Heffernan


to mark.cuban
show details 9:21 AM (14 hours ago)

I will not watch the mavericks play again,as long as Josh Howard plays ….. Thats it for me ….. What this animal said about the American flag has turned my stomach..

Sales Coach Chuck Bauer

to mark.cuban
show details Sep 17 (1 day ago)
I WILL NOT attend any Mavericks games as long as that criminal Josh Howard is
part of the team. Send him to Indiana to be with his fellow criminals. The youtube
video really exposes him for what he is.

Chuck Bauer

From: “Scott Kozimor”  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/19/2008 01:29 PM
Subject: Josh Howard

It is unbelievable to me the level of ignorance and prejudice that your player has towards our country and other “non black” people. As if the NBA did not have enough to worry about, your employee spouts off his racist mouth about his hatred of the star spangled banner. He owes the entire nation an apology, or do you not promote that to your children.?
I will never support or watch the NBA again because I feel his attitude is more the norm in the NBA. It just goes to show you that you can have money and fame and still be an ignorant pig of the country that provided it all to you.

Feel free to have that punk, or you, respond to me whenever you want.

Scott Kozimor
From: A  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/19/2008 08:58 AM
Subject: Ask Mark Cuban
So here’s a question or two for you, Mr. Cuban, in regards to this quote from one of your players:
“‘The Star Spangled Banner’ is going on right now. I don’t even celebrate that (expletive). I’m black.” - Josh Howard
1) What does being black have to do with Honoring the playing of the national anthem? He wasn’t a slave, and he has EVERYTHING this country is about to thank for his freedom *AND* his wealth, which you and the other idiots running sports teams pay him (and other idiot athletes).
2) Are you going to do the RIGHT thing and punish him monetarily for this? Or are you going to sit there on your hands and be a pansy about it?
From: Donald Joy  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/19/2008 09:43 AM
Subject: Re: Get over yourself
My fellow patriots and I aren’t the ones who made it about race: “I ain’t about that ‘National Anthem’ shit, I’m black…mumble mumble something something Obama mumble Obama, etc., etc.)Howard, and Jeremiah Wright, and Ludacris(and white leftist scum like you and “Father” Michael Pflager), Jay-Z, Kanye West, Tupac Shakur, Malik Zulu Shabazz, Louis Farrakhan, Malcolm X, B. Hussein Obama with his refusing to place his hand over his heart during the Anthem and refusing to wear a flag lapel pin until he was backed into a corner over it, all the while saying things like “typical white people” and “white foilks’ greed runs a world in need”(if a white politician said the equivalent, he’d be utterly ruined by now, and you know it; it has happened over and over again in our P.C., double-standard dystopia), et. al.,–you people are the ones who make it about color instead of focusing on character.
I judge a person by the content of their character.  So many of those multi-millionaire black athletes, and millions upon millions of blacks in the United States, absolutely, sullenly, spitefully, violently REFUSE to develop their character and act like civilized citizens of the country that was the first society on the planet to undergo a nation-rending civil war(600,000 white men dead, untold more wounded to free the slaves) and a reckoning of self-examination in order to bring about the end of slavery and the Jim Crow era in this hemisphere(even as it was, and still IS being practiced in Africa and elsewhere in the world!).  Blacks Muslim pirates operating out of the Barbary Coast captured and enslaved hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of whites in the late 1770’s-early 1800’s, yet blacks act as if America was/is the only oppressor in the history of the world, rather than the very hand that delivered them from the culture of conquest, from their own cousins on the Ivory Coast, which sold them to slavers in the first place.
After generations of anti-white attacks and rampaging riots and a rape/murder rate 7 times that of whites, after decades of robberies and thuggery and drug dealing, with a black-on-white crime rate that is so egregiously multiplied over the negligible white-on-black rate, blacks owe reparations to whites far more than any that whites owe blacks.
You’re obviously a Mike Nifong.
I know and know of many blacks that are indeed patriotic and intelligent and kind people, but my experiences with and observations of far, far too many others–MOST young black men and women in urban areas, in fact–mandate that I talk straight about a glaring and absolutely unacceptable situation that white liberals like you have helped bring about and exacerbate with your failed, train-wreck socialistic programs that destroy families and promote promiscuity, irresponsibility, fatherlessness, and dependence on government largesse and the race-grievance industry.
I’m fed up with white liberals like you who refuse to acknowledge the abject depravity and pathological, willful failure of black culture, and instead enable and perpetuate it as you excuse and defend it, all the while attacking honest whites who dare protest as you call us “racists.”  Go ahead, call me a racist, I don’t care; as long as the majority of a given race refuses to attend school and drink the water of education to which they’ve been led–on MY excessive and wasted tax dollars–and instead bite the hand that feeds them as they stab the teachers and rape and steal and deal drugs and glorify murder as a rite of adolescent passage in homage to their rap music heroes, harassing and accusing their studious peers of “acting white”–as long as the plurality and bulk of that pathetic race ACTS inferior, I will certainly be justified in considering them inferior.  Remove the absurdly high correlation(can it be done?  I really do wonder, as no black society anywhere on Earth has anything resembling an advanced character) between skin color and abject criminality, between melanin and anti-American hostility, and I will consider them worthy citizens of MY country, that I love, that I fought for and continue to fight for.
Otherwise, shove your anti-white hatred up your ass, and shove your animalistic “African-American” ANTI-American “athletes” up your ass while you’re at it.  Osama bin Laden is really tall, too; I bet he could’ve slam-dunked JUST like those disrespectful America-hating black criminals if he’d been chased after by scouts and coddled and given a bunch of bling back in the day, too!
…and I didn’t even resort to using the word that they hurl at each other and everyone else more often than they use the word “the.”
Subject: Re: Get over yourself
Date: Friday, September 19, 2008, 10:51 AM

Josh Howard is an ungrateful dumbass. He smokes pot every day, play basketball in front of millions of people and gets paid millions of dollars and then has the BALLS to effectively say “screw the US, I’m black. I’ve been oppressed and, oh, by the way…vote for Obama”. If you don’t see the disconnect in that statement then you’re a moron as well. If he’s so frickin miserable, then he should move back to his native Africa and live in a mud hut with Obama’s half brother for a year or so on a dollar a month. Then we’ll see how he really feels about this rotten oppressive country where he’s being so unfairly held back from reaching his full potential as a miserable black man.

Screw the Mavericks. They’re perennial losers like Howard…and Cuban cultivated the losers by overindulging the prima donnas.
And one more thing, checking out the cheerleaders during the National Anthem IS American. Homely women always complain about us doing it.

From: “McCubbin, Peter \(Exchange\)”  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/19/2008 10:25 AM
Subject: Give Josh the Kabosh
Hi Mark: I look forward to showing your team (with Josh ?) the same disrespect he showed our country’s flag. You guys are a disgrace. J Peter McCubbin  NBA fan

From: Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/19/2008 11:44 AM
Subject: (no subject)
mark i think your  a piece of shit
From: RJ Bradner  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/19/2008 01:46 PM
Subject: Josh Howard National Disgrace
Dear Mark
I am appalled at the disgraceful, immature and absolute idiotic behavior of Josh Howard.
Once again, it proves the NBA is littered with thugs and idiots!
You must do what is right for we Dallas Fans, the great State of Texas and the USA and fire that moron.  It does not matter how talented he is.  His is a piece of shit who is asking to be fired.
If he were white, he would long been given a pink slip.  Treat ALL Americans the same.
Best regards,
RJ Bradner
View RJB Web Profile Click Here:
From: “Thorpe, Howard”  Add Address to Contacts
Date: 09/19/2008 02:03 PM
Subject: Do you or don’t you?

Very simple email regarding Josh Howard and his recent actions.

Please put your left hand in your left pants pocket and move it to the right………feel anything?  If so, take a stand and do something. Otherwise it’s very obvious what you’re feeling and what you’re made of.
You may have a Basketball team but do you really have any balls?

I will be anxious to see what type of action or non action you take.
Howard Thorpe
To those of you who have read this far, I have added several emails since this was originally posted. I have also removed one post after receiving an email from the sender. I thought it was the right thing to do.

26 febrero 2008

Mark Cuban contra la NCAA

Mark Cuban, el dueño de los Dallas Mavericks, es un tipo peculiar que siempre tiene las ideas muy claras. El otrora magnate de la informática no se corta cuando tiene que atacar a los árbitros a pie de cancha o cuando pontifica desde su blog. En una de las últimas entradas del mismo, y como antiguo alumno de la Universidad de Indiana, se lamenta del reciente episodio que ha terminado con el despido del entrenador Sampson. Se lamenta y pasa al ataque contra la NCAA. Por una vez David Stern puede respirar tranquilo.

Citamos su blog: “Un verano visité la Universidad de Indiana. Había varios jugadores haciendo ejercicio y jugando en la cancha de Assembly Hall. Después de verlo unos minutos, fui hacia la entrada donde un grupo de jugadores simplemente estaba de pie. Esperando. Yo, por supuesto, pregunté porque no estaban en la pista con sus compañeros de equipo. Resulta que no más de cuatro jugadores podían estar en la cancha al mismo tiempo. Imáginese que tiene que decir a un intérprete de chelo que no puede practicar con más de cuatro miembros de de la orquesta de la universidad. Ésta era simplemente la primera de una lista de reglas sin sentido que el inspector que estaba en el polideportivo tenía en la lista.”

Después de continuar vapuleando algunas de las incongruencias que constituyen verdaderos dogmas en la organización que dirige el deporte universitario estadounidense sentencia: “Son (NCAA) asesinos de sueños. Esa es suficiente razón para finalizar con el reinado de la NCAA.”

Estas polémicas nos hacen recordar a aquellos tiempos en los que los atletas eran desposeídos de medallas y trofeos porque alguien les había invitado a comer o le había pagado un viaje. Aquellos locos tiempos del deporte amateur.

17 abril 2007

Mark Cuban vuelve a la carga

Impagable la nueva entrada del blog del dueño de los Mavericks. Con motivo del partido del pasado domingo contra los San Antonio Spurs, Mark Cuban no tira la piedra sino que pide a los aficionados que clamen contra los arbitrajes en la NBA que protesten ante los propietarios o general managers de sus equipos.

Cuban debe ya estar aburrido de pagar multas a la liga y prefiere que otros hagan el trabajo sucio...

04 marzo 2007

El ranchero tejano y el vaquero alemán

Los Dallas Mavericks son los actuales capos de la NBA. Cuando escribimos estas líneas los Mavs han conseguido su decimoquinto triunfo consecutivo, y han empezado a caer unos cuantos récords. Con su última victoria frente a Orlando, los Mavericks llevan 22 triunfos seguidos en su cancha del American Airlines Center, han ganado 50 de 55 partidos después de haber perdido los primeros cuatro encuentros de la temporada y poseen la mejor marca de la liga con sólo nueve derrotas. El equipo tejano, que también se ha convertido en el que más prisa se ha dado en llegar a las cincuenta victorias en la historia de la NBA, no ha sido derrotado en casa desde que perdió 83-92 ante los Pistons el pasado 7 de diciembre. El cómo ha llegado un equipo del montón, asfixiado durante años por la competencia del equipo de fútbol americano local –los Cowboys– a liderar la mejor liga del mundo tiene, sin duda, multitud de explicaciones, pero nos puede bastar saber qué dos personas lideran a la franquicia tejana, dentro y fuera de la cancha.

(seguir leyendo)